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The transition path to help Aderant clients commence the journey to Aderant cloud was outlined, including the latest AI capabilities, and compliance functionality.
Aderant On the Road
The latest insights were presented by the Aderant team at the Aderant roadshow in Sydney this week, which was kindly hosted by Hall & Wilcox.
Chris Cartrett (CEO), Doug Matthews (Chief Product Officer), Monica Le-Nguyen (Director, Sales and Solutions Consulting) and Lisa Wilson (Senior Solutions Consultant) outlined an insightful transition path to help Aderant clients commence the journey to Aderant cloud. This also included a showcase into the latest AI capabilities, along with compliance that we know law firms need to be continuously on top of, to protect their practicing certificates. For law firms considering Aderant in the near future, the journey to the cloud will be straightforward, putting these firms ahead of those that are slow to move.
Thank you to the Aderant team for sharing these latest insights within the APAC region.
Amanda Harriss, Partner, Harriss Wagner Consultants & Advisers